Aby powiedzieć, że coś musieliśmy zrobić, używamy czasownika „have to” w czasie przeszłym. Czasownik „must” w czasie przeszłym to również „have to” (had to).
Stosujemy zasady Past Simple.
Przykłady – twierdzenia:
I had to stay longer at school.
You had to look after your brother last week.
She had to buy some food.
He had to give change to customers.
It had to be difficult.
We had to learn to a test.
They had to go to school last Saturday.
Przykłady – przeczenia:
I didn’t have to do it.
You didn’t have to stay longer.
She didn’t have to wait for me.
He didn’t have to buy a new bike.
It didn’t have to be so difficult.
We didn’t have to use our notebooks in class.
They didn’t have to work last Monday.
Przykłady – pytania:
Did you have to do it? – Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
Did he have to work at night? – Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.
Did she have to go to church? – Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.
Did it have to be so complicated? – Yes, it did. / No, it didn’t.
Did we have to listen to him? – Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t.
Did they have to do it? – Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t.
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